Happy Dance! Happy Day!
Grant Middle School teachers show their appreciation for the instruments their school received at this year’s Instrument Presentation Event held at the Newman Center for the Performing Arts
“Thank you so much for all of the amazing instruments we received here at Liberty Point International School! Our bands keep growing and thriving thanks to the instruments we receive from Bringing Music to Life. Your organization is a godsend that really does play an integral part in keeping music alive in our schools.” – Liberty Point International
Liberty Point International Liberty Point International Liberty Point International
“Without donations like these from your program there would be students who would have to go without the equipment they need to make music together. Every student deserves the chance to play in band and orchestra, whether they can afford the instrument and equipment or not! Thanks to your program you give these kids an opportunity to thrive.” – Carmody Middle School
“I am so beyond blessed to have received these instruments! Since my school serves families of lower income, I never have to ask a family to purchase an instrument and because of this, more students have decided to join my class as well as try different instruments to see which would fit them the best… the Roncalli STEM Academy music department is being rebuilt from the ashes of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Students who are struggling academically are connecting and flourishing in my class and we are reshaping the culture little by little. Music is becoming cool again… None of this would be possible with the limited inventory that I started out with. [Bringing Music to Life] has been incredibly generous and I thank the people who make this possible from the bottom of my heart.” – Roncalli STEM Academy
“My students, I have learned, respond much better when I let them know that I understand why they are frustrated than if I tell them to deal with it and move on. They need compassion more than anything else at the moment, and it is our job as music educators to provide that for them.” – Cañon City Schools
“Our budget at Hanover for new or used instruments was wiped out due to the pandemic, so receiving the BMTL grant came as very welcome news. Because of your generous grant, our band students now have access to better quality instruments (our own instruments are well-used and some beyond repair) and they are able to concentrate on making music.” – Hanover Junior-Senior High School